Telephone: +39 02/96450155

  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Spain

Where we are

  • Italy

    CIDAT Italia

    CIDAT Spa
    Via Bellini 124, 21042 Caronno Pertusella (VA)

    Historic headquarter with 11.000 m² warehouse
    Management, Commercial Offices, Logistics and Administration

    Telefono +39 02/96450155

  • Romania

    CIDAT Romania

    43B, Huedin, Romania

    Since 2006, CIDAT has been producing in Romania, in the THUNDERFLEX plant in Huedin-Cluji, where the R&D division and the assembling centre operate, able to provide a complete and certified assembly service

  • Dove siamo
  • Dove siamo
  • Dove siamo
  • Dove siamo
  • Dove siamo
  • Dove siamo
  • allacciamento tubo
  • macchinario nella fabbrica